Access Bars is gentle touch session using 32 points on your head that releases energetic blockages.

Sessions can vary in length.
Easy as 15 min.
Ideal: 60-90 minutes

Suitable for:
seeking different results within your life.
As a Business:
Coaches, Therapists, Consultants, Healers, WellnessPreneurs, Entrepreneurs, Health Practitioners, Trainers, Teachers, Counsellors

How Access Bars work:
Access Bars is a gentle technique involving the touch of 32 specific points on the head.
In just 15 minutes, this therapy induces the theta state in the brain, promoting deep relaxation and activating the body's self-healing mechanisms.
This process creates a heightened awareness in our lives.

Access Bars users frequently report reduced reactions to stress, heightened clarity, and increased awareness.
Enhanced creative abilities and improved performance are common outcomes.
Children experience faster recovery from illness, leading to fewer sick days, and improved learning. Positive shifts are observed in various aspects of life, including health, wealth, relationships, and stress.

Dispelling Electrical Charge
As the session progresses, the electrical charge in the brain disperses, leading to the release of trapped energies in both the brain and the body.
The Bars hold all the limitations, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, judgments, and considerations accumulated over lifetimes.
These stored elements hinder conscious choices and life creation.

Distinctive Functionality of Bars Points
While the points used in Bars therapies may share similarities with acupuncture and other techniques, their role within Access Bars is entirely distinct.
These points contribute to a unique function within the Access Bars framework, yielding changes that surpass the impact of any other method

Dissolving Blockages with Bars Therapies
Bars therapies effectively dissolve major blockages across various life aspects and the body.
Each session can release thousands of years' worth of limitations associated with the touched points.
These points, or bars, cover areas such as healing, joy, body, sexuality, money, communication, time, and space.

Ease and Uniqueness of Bars Therapies
Bars therapies offer a path to significant life changes with unparalleled ease. Each Bars therapy session unfolds uniquely, providing a distinct experience for every individual.
The outcomes range from feeling akin to having the best massage to, at best, witnessing a complete transformation of one's entire life into something greater.
The transformative power of Bars therapies stands unparalleled.
What contribution can
Access Bars be to your life?
Enhanced Body Ease
Optimal Health
Stress-Free Living
Alleviation of Physical Pains
Resolution of Mental Disorders,
Intrusive Thoughts, and Panic Attacks
Headache-Free Existence
Improved Sleep Quality
Weight Issues Resolved
Liberation and Freedom
Heightened Clarity
Increased Financial Abundance
Expanded Awareness
Flourishing Relationships
Amplified Joy and Laughter
Enriched Travel Experiences
Business Triumphs
Elevated Intimacy
Functional and Fulfilling Partnerships
Self-Discovery and Empowerment
Orgasmic Life and Being
Overall Lightness of Being
Unlocking Your Questions About Access Bars
Understanding the Bars Therapy Experience:
During a Bars therapy session, the Bars, comprising stored limitations, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, are addressed. This therapy clears the mental clutter, allowing you to live a new life and make conscious choices. Similar to resetting a circuit breaker, Bars therapy illuminates your life with increased peace, ease, joy, and abundance by tapping into the energy of the universe.
Diverse Outcomes of Bars Sessions:
The aftermath of a Bars session varies for each individual. The least you can expect is a state of relaxation comparable to a soothing massage, while the best outcome could be a transformative shift in your entire life. Common reported effects include heightened peace, reduced reactivity, improved sleep, and a newfound indifference to past concerns.
Longevity of Bars Effects:
Once you experience Bars, the therapy continues to release stuck energy indefinitely. The impact becomes more dynamic with subsequent sessions, and notable effects are often noticed within 3-4 weeks of a session.
Choosing the Frequency:
The frequency of Bars sessions is a personal choice. Some opt for weekly sessions, while others may indulge whenever stress or discontent arises. Bars therapy provides an immediate solution for those seeking profound change.
Universal Beneficiaries
Anyone willing to lie still can benefit from Bars therapy. Although some may dismiss relaxation as a waste of time, those with a genuine interest in improving their lives are more likely to experience significant changes.
Bars for Children and Learning Opportunities
Children and babies can undoubtedly receive Bars therapy, experiencing phenomenal benefits. Children can even learn to run Bars themselves,as their openness to change often surpasses that of adults.
Learning to perform Bars is accessible to anyone, requiring no prior healthcare or anatomy training.
A one-day Access Bars classprovides the necessary knowledge for becoming a Bars practitioner.
Global Accessibility and Origin of Bars
Access Bars classes are offered globally by over 2000 facilitators in more than 171 countries, providing widespread access to learning.
Bars During Unique Life Stages
Benefits for Elderly and Ill: Bars therapy can benefit the elderly and those facing illness.
Pregnancy and Bars:
Bars can be done during pregnancy, with reported benefits including shorter and easier births and avoidance of unwanted side effects.
Technicalities of Bars Therapy
Typically lasting between 60 to 90 minutes, Bars therapy is flexible in duration.
Long-Term Effects:
Regular Bars practitioners often report continual improvement in their lives over time.
Bars and Mental Health
Effect on Mental and Psychological Problems: Bars therapy has shown positive changes in individuals dealing with mental health issues. It's recommended to consult with a doctor before discontinuing medications.
Safety and Limitations:
Bars cannot be done incorrectly, and no harm can come from receiving a Bars session.
Choosing to Have Bars Done:
The decision to have Bars done is entirely personal. Regular sessions offer the greatest benefits, and the choice is yours to make.
Expect the unexpected with each Bars therapy session, with the potential for life-altering changes. Opt for Bars whenever you wish to feel great, and consistent sessions are often pursued for maintaining well-being, especially during challenging times.
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Did you know that Access Bars research was first conducted by Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, a Neuroscientist from Glendale, Arizona?
Gary and Dain introduced Dr J L Fanning to Access Bars at the Secret Knock Conference who began approaching it from a purely research prospective. During the conference Dr. Fannin did some brain mapping on someone before and immediately after they experienced a 90 minute Access Bars session. Later, when Dr. Fannin analyzed the data, he was astounded.

Dr. Jeffrey Fannin
"… my jaw dropped; I was so astounded.
This is the very first time I have seen a brain do what we are about to show you."
MARCH 2015
He discovered that Access Bars have a positive neurological effect on the recipient greater than those experienced by advanced meditators and it produced these results immediately.
Don't take our word for it - FIND OUT for yourself -
Impressed by the remarkable outcomes, Dr. Fannin decided to undergo a Bars session personally. Intrigued by the potential, he extended the experience to his entire staff, ensuring they all received an Access Bars Session.
This unconventional impact on the brain, unlike anything observed in his 16 years of extensive research, sparked Dr. Fannin's keen interest in delving deeper into Access Bars.
Surprisingly, a 90-minute Bars session induced more significant changes in the brain compared to mapping the brains of individuals engaged in regular meditation sessions lasting up to 2 hours.
These notable differences fueled Dr. Fannin's motivation to initiate further research on the transformative effects of Access Bars.