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what if

infinite potential is just one question away?

Did you know

Access Consciousness is a holistic approach to personal development and empowerment that provides a diverse set of tools and techniques aimed at facilitating positive change in various aspects of life?

It was Founded by

Gary M Douglas more than 30 years ago.

Key Component

Access Consciousness is the Access Bars, which involves gently touching 32 points on the head to release electromagnetic charge associated with different aspects of life.

The Core

The core philosophy of Access Consciousness is based on the idea that by clearing away mental and energetic blockages, individuals like you, can tap into your full potential and create the life you choose.

It's a wide range

Access Consciousness offers a wide range of classes, sessions, and resources facilitated by trained practitioners and instructors worldwide.

You can become part of the Global team

Access 32 points

This process is believed to clear limitations and create more space for new possibilities

"Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing" — Gary M. Douglas

It's About you

What if someone like you could to shift and create freedom from limitations, unlock your creativity, and enhance your overall well-being, both personally and professionally?


The principles are universal.


The principles emphasize living in the present moment, fostering self-awareness, and embracing a mindset of curiosity and exploration to create positive change in one's life.


All of life comes to us with

Ease Joy and Glory

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